The Lost World
Have you ever come to the point
When your brain thinks of nothing
Your heart stops sensing
No anger, no fear, no tear
No gladness, no sadness
The point of losing your emotion
The absence of enthusiasm
of laugh, love and life
To my experience, dengan menulis hati akan menjadi lebih tenang, beban akan terasa lebih ringan, dan tangan akan lebih sehat karena ngetik hehe. So, keep writing!
Have you ever come to the point
When your brain thinks of nothing
Your heart stops sensing
No anger, no fear, no tear
No gladness, no sadness
The point of losing your emotion
The absence of enthusiasm
of laugh, love and life
What is equality? Is equal always the same?
In my view, equality is to put things in its own perspective. Equal is not always the same. Do you feel equal when you, for example, get XL-size clothes because you weigh 90 kilos meanwhile the others get S-size because they weigh 40 kilos?
To me, it applies to equality between men and women. Each have their own roles. Unfortunately, many people, especially men, often consider women who stay at home to take care of the house and children as having less ‘bargaining power’ in a household. The husbands often think those household activities are a women’s obligation and no reward should be given. On the other hand, men often claim that they are at a higher position because they produce money for the household.
According to what I’ve seen, being a mother isn’t only a ‘task’, but it’s a career. So, a mother who stays at home taking care of the house and the children should be considered not unemployed, but as a person with a career.
They may not produce money, but they generate value and morality which are more important than money. They are building the future of the world. That’s why a husband must respect and appreciate this role as career. They should treat their wives equally as they do to those having a job.
I’ve seen many good men treating women very well. But I’ve witnessed more men treating women improperly. I think that’s why there’s a movie entitled ‘A Few Good Men’.
Happy Kartini Day!
After awhile dealing with kids, now i know the difference between teaching and educating. I know how teachers can be different from educators, at least from my personal viewpoint.
Ah, it's been three months!