Monday, April 14, 2008

Teachers and Educators

After awhile dealing with kids, now i know the difference between teaching and educating. I know how teachers can be different from educators, at least from my personal viewpoint.
To my view, teaching is when we teach something to our students, to our kids, to people around us without looking at the other aspect that may be related to it. For instance, when we teach about "Food&Drink", teachers may only teach anything related to "Food&Drink" itself. Meanwhile educators will do more than just teaching. They will teach aspects related to it such as how to eat properly both related to the diet or the manner. In summary, educators teach and integrate what they teach in the daily life practice.


At April 16, 2008 10:48 AM, Blogger syairku said...

ngaturaken sugeng siang dumateng bu yani :) maos blog jenengan saestu remen sanget. puisi bu yani .. eh manggilnya kalo dalam blog katanya "sur" ya ? :) saeee sanget.
menawi wonten wekdal, kulo nyuwun piwulangipun .. matur suwun sanget menawi english niku ugi dipun piwulangaken :)

At April 17, 2008 3:05 PM, Blogger Suryani said...

Matursuwun Pak Roto atas commentnya. Biasalah patah hati pasti pinter buat puisi hihihihihi.


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